Tuesday 1 May 2012

Health and Safety working practices

When working in a computer environment you have to make sure that the health and safety rules apply such as,
·         Chairs:  The chairs in the work place need to be adjustable so the worker does not be uncomfortable while doing his job.
·         Another safety feature is the minimum amount of plugs plugged in to save from heating up and melting.
·         Also take regular breaks, every 45 minute take a 5 minute break just so your eyes do not become sore.
·         More health and safety feature is the lighting, so to make sure the sun light is not coming in and hitting your eyes and your screen to stop from strain eyes.
·         Another rule is all bags to be placed under the desk to prevent people from falling.
·         Another one is the perversion of repetitive straining injuries this is just so your wrists don’t get sore you can adjust the height of you seat to make it more comfortable and easier to fulfill your duties.

When connecting peripherals

When connecting all the peripherals below make sure that all plugs are turned off and taking out, then plug in the peripherals making sure they go in right and are connected then when this has been completed you can now turn on the plugs and plug it back in. when you have that step done turn on the computer and check if all the software has being installed and is working correctly, then your computer and peripherals should be working.
·         Printer
·         Speakers
·         Scanner
·         Digital Camera
·         Microphone

Connecting peripherals a PC

This is me turning the computer off at the plug. The computer is turned of because of health and safety because if it was left on you have a risk getting a shock.

This is before I connected the speaker cable. When I was plugging in the speakers I was on my knees for health and safety reasons.

This is me connecting the speakers to the computer. I connected the green lead into the green port on the back of the hard drive

This is the computer connected to the speakers. The speakers are connected correctly to the back of the hard drive because I turned the computer on and played music at it worked.

This is me connecting the usb to the computer. I connected this in the front because the lead was not long enough to reach from the back to the top of the table. So therefore I would have had to reach over the table so it was a health and safety precaution.

This is me connecting the camera to the computer

When we connected the camera this icon popped up to let you know that the camera is connected properly.  

Then we whet to  my computer on the desktop this icon appeared saying that a portable device was connected.

When we clicked on the icon of the camera and went into the images folder we found all the images that we took.

End Result

At the end I tested the speakers and the camera to see if they were working. I played music to see if the speakers were working and they were then I connected the usb lead to the computer and the camera and as you can see above I have the pictures so therefore it worked.

Monday 26 March 2012

Assigment 4

In this assignment I have been asked to evaluate a network from the security threats and provide solutions. The network manager has giving me a list of all the problems

He has asked me to help resolve all these problems. There is no security at all on the network or even in the building, so therefore any one can access the information stored on the network. There is also no log on names required so therefore it is very easy to access a piece of information. There are many ways to solve these problems such as first getting security on the building by putting up gates and fences with keypads, CCTV and alarms and on the computers to protect it from people entering the system. The other way of making the information safe is by putting usernames and passwords on the server so only some people can have access to the higher levels of information so the newly employed just can’t jump into all the important information.  

There are also other problems on it like there is no restricted access on the internet so there for the employers can be sitting on websites when they should be doing work and costing the employee money. The staff are also allowed to install and remove software this is dangerous because they can destroy your computer when adding software because they could install virus or Trojans. A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the owner and A Trojan is a program with a secret purpose - usually malicious. Trojans enter your computer disguised as an email or free program you have downloaded from the Internet. Once installed a Trojan attempts to broadcast information to its author each time you connect to the Internet

Other problems are that the information is only backed up once a month when it should be backed up ever day and stored in a secure building incase of fires of flooding but in this case there stored in a plastic box in the same building. This can be resolved by storing them in a fire prove safe in a different building. 

The information that they store is all personal information such as purchases account numbers, bank details, customer names and addresses and purchase history. All the staff in the company has access to this information so there for you are breaking the data Protection Act 1998.

The Computer Misuse Act became law in August 1990. Under the Act hacking and the introduction of viruses are criminal offences. Universities and colleges need to co-operate to take action under the Act as the offences are likely to be committed by members of universities and colleges, students in particular, and are often perpetrated on machines or networks within the sector.

The downloads are also not monitored so there for they could be sitting all day downloading nonrelated content on the computer and also a risk of getting virus.

Monday 17 October 2011

Different Types of Computer Systems

PC: A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations 

Laptop, a laptop is a compact computer; it is a smaller version with all the same equipment as a computer. A laptop is just a portable computer.

Net book
Net book, A net book is basically the same as a laptop but smaller again it has all the same equipment as a computer and a laptop.

A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is a computer that fits in one’s hand. These small computers are sometimes called palmtops and are a great way to store telephone numbers and email addresses, access the Internet, make calculations, keep a digital calendar, and play games

Mobile Phone
Mobile phone Mobile phones connect to a wireless communications network through radio wave or satellite transmissions. Most mobile phones provide voice communications, Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), and newer phones may also provide Internet services such as Web browsing and e-mail.

Games Console
A games console is an interactive entertainment computer or modified computer system that produces a video display signal which can be used with a display device (a television) to display a video game.


It's a flat-panel portable PC in the form of a slate. A user inputs data either by tapping the screen with a stylus, or using the stylus to write directly on to the screen. The tablet PC can wirelessly connect to the Internet and other PCs and is intended to provide the power of a notebook in hand-held form.

A server is a bigger version of the computer hard drive. This is every website in the world is stored, every big origination has a sever. If the server crashes or stops for some reason this means that no one would be able to access the website.

Embedded devices
A embedded device is a electronic computer that has input, output and process. It sometimes also has storage. Examples are ABS, Washing machines and Mobile phones

Data Flow diagram

Devices for Network Connection


It’s to transfer data or files like ring tones etc...from phones.
Also Bluetooth is to use a head set when driving. some cell phones have a Bluetooth but just for head set purposes.Bluetooth is a technology that allows for short distance wireless data transmission. It is used most commonly in phones for peripheral devices like headsets

Network Interface Cards
A network interface card (NIC) is a computer circuit board or card that is installed in a computer so that it can be connected to a network. Personal computers and workstations on a local area network (LAN) typically contain a network interface card specifically designed for the LAN transmission technology.

3G (3rd Generation) is a family of standards for mobile telecommunications including wide-area wireless voice telephone, video calls, and wireless data, all in a mobile environment.
3G or 3rd generation mobile telecommunications is a generation of standards for mobile phones and mobile telecommunication services fulfilling the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) specifications by the International Telecommunication Union. Application services include wide-area wireless voice telephone, mobile Internet access, video calls and mobile TV, all in a mobile environment.
 4G is a technology that will transform wireless communications in a completely new way. It is also known as “beyond 3G," since it provides a comprehensive and secure IP (Internet Protocol) solution.
In telecommunications, 4G is the fourth generation of cell phone mobile communications standards. It is a successor of the third generation (3G) standards. A 4G system provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access, for example to laptops with USB wireless modems, to Smartphone’s, and to other mobile devices

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Output Devices

Output Devices

In this blog i am going to tell you about the output devices, output divices are the things that let you what is on the screen.

 The speakers are a output device that can play music or an other sound out of them.

Computer Monitor

 A computer monitor is an electronic device that shows pictures. A monitor is usually used to see programs on a computer.


 A Projector is a device designed to take an image from a video source and project it as faithfully as possible onto a screen or other surface.


A printer is a machine used by computers to print out documents on paper in order to have a physical copy of text documents, diagrams or photos.

Monday 10 October 2011

Input Devices

There are so many input devices and I am going to tell you about some of the main ones:

The mouse
     A device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. A mouse is a small object you can roll along a hard, flat surface. Its name is derived from its shape.

The keyboard
Modern computer keyboards were modelled after, and are still very similar to, classic typewriter keyboards. Many different layouts are available around the world but most keyboards are of the QWERTY type.


 A webcam is a video camera which feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network, often via USB

A scanner is a piece of equipment that lets you import a piece of paper on to your computer screen.

Joystick/Games Controller

 A joystick is an input device that allows you to play games on the computer, or any console that needs one. Mostly joysticks these days are used for flight simulators